Clean out my closets? Why would I want to do that? Here are 5 good reasons why now is the ideal time to do so:
1. We just finished summer and cooler weather is now upon us. Revisit your summer wardrobe and ask yourself…”Did I wear that even once this past summer? Will I wear it again next summer? Do I feel good in it? Did you find yourself passing it over for something similar that you like better?” Be honest! Winter clothes are bulkier so make room by eliminating excess.
2. The guests are coming! Do you have friends and family coming over the upcoming holiday season? First of all, you don’t want to be embarrassed by your clutter and secondly you will need to make room for them to unpack and be comfortable – but not too comfortable or else they might stay longer than you would like!
3. Santa’s coming too. Need a place to hide or store gifts? You won’t want gifts in the middle of your living spaces inciting curiosity. Those extra closets are great places to keep them until the holiday is here.
4. Make room for the treasures that are coming. Don’t keep adding to your closets without taking away. Inevitably that leads to jam packed, stuffed storage space where you forget what’s even in there.
5. This the season of giving. What better way to do so than to donate unneeded or unwanted items. Engage the whole family and give to those in need.
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May this be a joyful, wonderful, healthy holiday season – all the more enjoyable because you have simplified and made space for the blessings that are on the way!
Love these suggestions and the attention to the spiritual blessings of getting ready foe the season with giving and clearing the space for a season to celebrate. Thanks for sharing your mindful expertise!
Love these suggestions and the attention to the spiritual blessings of getting ready for the season with giving and clearing the space to celebrate. Thanks for sharing your mindful expertise!